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What should i know if i decide to visit morocco

 Tips to know about Morocco.
Best time visit morocco,tour of morocco,morocco travel guide,travel to morocco,morocco visit,tangiers
Travel to morocco

Introducing the country's culture, tips on places to visit, and what to do or avoid in Morocco.

Morocco is among the countries that are always trying to attract foreign tourists by organizing flights connecting most countries of the world with direct flights, and facilitating the process of spending their vacation in safety and comfort. Perhaps everyone who visited this country will be surprised by the warm welcome and the cultural and natural diversity that Morocco enjoys, as you will not find any difficulty in communicating, regardless of your language or nationality, and you will also have the opportunity to visit the desert, mountains, forests and the sea, all of this. in one place.

The country's culture and tourism qualifications.

Best time visit morocco,tour of morocco,morocco travel guide,travel to morocco,morocco visit,
Best place to visit morocco
Best time visit morocco,tour of morocco,morocco travel guide,travel to morocco,morocco visit,
Best time visit morocco

Morocco has a network of highways, railways, and airports that facilitate the process of moving between regions and cities in a short period. Indeed, for example, if you decide to go from Tangiers to Casablanca, it takes only an hour and a half via the TGV train, which covers a distance of 400 km separating between the two cities

Morocco is considered one of the culturally open countries, as you will not feel much change throughout your vacation. This is because the people of Morocco leave exciting impressions on tourists when trying to communicate between them. Do not be shocked if you find simple people who speak Spanish, German, English and French fluently, but rather what will shock you more. It is the warm welcome and the heat of the atmosphere, but more than that, you may find someone who receives you in his home in the midst of his family without pretense or prior preparation.

As for the natural side, you will probably not find almost a spot on this planet that brings you all kinds of nature. For example, if you are obsessed with surfing and enjoying the desert atmosphere at the same time, you will not find anything better than the internationally known city of Dakhla, which hosts major tournaments in this field. But if you prefer calmness and enjoying nature, there are several areas that are recommended, for example, but not exclusively, the city of Ifrane, which is known for its complete calmness and the diversity of nature’s resources in it from forests, mountains and valleys, and if you visit it in the winter or spring, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the snow that this mountain city knows.

But if you are the one who loves to enjoy cities and their facilities, you will not find anything better than the city of Marrakesh, Agadir or Tangiers. Perhaps I did not mention all the cities and regions, but I will leave you the task of exploration, as there are more, of course. As for the historical aspect, I have previously written an article on the subject here.

Favorite food to taste in Morocco

Best time visit morocco,tour of morocco,morocco travel guide,travel to morocco,morocco visit,
visit morocco

The Moroccan restaurant differs
 from the rest of the other restaurants, as it relies on the use of spices and natural fragrances that give the Moroccan dish a unique luster and taste. Among the famous Moroccan food is couscous, and you will find it in restaurants, especially on Fridays. It is a popular dish that fascinates everyone who has tried it. Moroccan tea with natural herbs remains among the popular drinks that give the body activity and vitality. If you are looking for an alternative to coffee, preferably to drink hot, you will find here an article on how to prepare Moroccan tea at home. I won't mention more until I make you explore on your own in case you visit Morocco.

Some words that are desirable to know before visiting Morocco.

As you know, Morocco is an Arabic-speaking country, so you will hear some frequently used words, such as: "Salamo alaykom" mean hello or hi, "whakha" and it means well, and it means look......
Some things to avoid when visiting Morocco. As you know, if you went as a guest with a friend or one of the family, you would change a little of your behavior throughout the period of your hospitality to adapt to the new atmosphere, let alone visiting a country or a country. for cars. It is also advised not to visit crowded places, such as economic cities... And that's it.

Finally, I hope that I succeeded in bringing the picture closer, even a little, to this beautiful African country.
